Perrine Honoré



"CONFETTIS" is an exhibition that takes places in the mall Glories, Barcelona, from 8th march to august 2021. It is a tribute to celebrate women, empowered, shameless, diverse and beautiful in their unicity!The show is composed from artworks in laser cut, ceramics and acrylic paintings.This project was curated by @artwork_in_promess
Thanks @agus_spini for the pitcures
Thanks @vector.street for the lasercut



HALLUCINATURE es el proyecto de exposición inmersiva de la pintora Marta Chojnacka y de la ilustradora Perrine Honoré. Estas dos amantes de la naturaleza han concebido una atmósfera soñaday extraña que refleja sus inquietudes sobre el medio ambiente. ¿Qué es natural y qué transformado a día de hoy? El público está invitado a vivir una experiencia visual y sensorial en ununiverso vibrante, entre elementos abstractos y figurativos en coloresprimarios. En un momento en el que las imágenes en movimiento dominan nuestracultura visual debido a su uso en redes sociales, las artistas han creadoimágenes estáticas que serán dinámicas con tu interacción. A Marta y Perrine les gusta invadir con arte los espacios cotidianos de lavida , creando así un nuevo concepto de exposición.

HALLUCINATURE is the project of an immersive art exhibition by the painter Marta Chojnacka and the Illustrator Perrine Honoré.  The two nature lovers have created a dreamy and weird atmosphere that reflects their concerns about the environment. What is natural and what is transformed by mankind nowadays? The public is invited to interact within a visual and sensorial universe full of abstract and figurative elements created with primary colours and shapes. In this time where moving image dominates our visual culture, the two artists created a series of static images that become dynamic when the public interacts with them. Marta and Perrine like to fill everyday spaces with art, creating in this way their own personal exhibiting concept. 



AZUR est un hommage rendu à Nice à travers les souvenirs d'enfance et l’univers artistique de Perrine. C'est une vision intime et personnelle qu’elle offre aux visiteurs et qu’elle partage de façon pluridisciplinaire à travers des sculptures, une fresque ou encore de nombreuses illustrations. Elle espère ainsi apporter de l'excentricité et de l'énergie dans le parcours d’oeuvres imaginées, et ainsi rythmer d'art, de découverte et de divertissement le centre Nicetoile, le temps de l’été. Une ode à Nice et à la côte d’Azur orchestrée par Studio Art in Situ. Juillet/Août/Septembre 2019.

AZUR is a tribute to Nice through childhood memories and the artistic world of Perrine. It is an intimate and personal vision that she offers to visitors and that she shares in a multidisciplinary way through sculptures, a mural or many illustrations.
She hopes to bring eccentricity and energy into the course of imagined works, and thus bring art, discovery and entertainment to the center of Nicetoile, during the summer time.
An ode to Nice and the French Riviera orchestrated by Studio Art in Situ. July/August/September 2019.

Photos by Arnaud Szalai



First solo show in the gallery Miscelánea, Barcelona, July 2018.

Perrine Honoré in her exhibition “Symbiotic intimacy” invites us to be children and to contemplate her illustrations without prejudices, answering a serie of questions and concerns that inspire and give life to her work. The artist tries to decode the body and to erase in a generous and colorful way this border between the feminine and the masculine.

She shares images and scenes of emancipated, imperfect and sensitive human beings that unfold in front of us to remind us that we are ourself nature, sap, water and life.
Where does the end of what we consider “I” and where does “the other” begin? Am I only my body or am I a body and something else? Do I consider the earth as part of me or is it an external agent? Can we say that human beings currently live in symbiosis with the earth? Is it possible that we have a too arrogant and anthropocentric vision of the world?

What if we take care of each other, men, plants, animals and the planet?
This exhibition gives you the opportunity to take a break and disconnect for a few minutes from a fast-paced world that we often can not keep up. It is also a gift that the artist gives us, to stop on the way and reflect on slowness, contemplation, introspection and our role as human beings on this earth.


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